Saturday, July 10, 2010

Raise High the Roofbeam II

I titled this RHR II because I published a similar post back when we were placing the roof trusses on the house in Hawaii. This time was somewhat less dramatic and certainly slower, but every bit as effective. This pic shows the 10/12 slope on the entry addition to match the existing roof slope. All "stick-framed" ie. one rafter at a time, the steep roof will shed the snow and give us a bonus room on the second floor.

The slope on the bedroom/rec room is much less...3/12 and had to be framed with 2x10 rafters to handle the potential 50 lbs/sq ft snow load in these parts. It had to match the existing slope on the living room. You can see the large opening to accommodate the sliding patio door looking toward the lake.

Here are the two additions in one shot with the porch roof being framed.

Next, we'll install the rest of the windows and doors, finish the shingeling, and replace some of the windows that had to be removed.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Renovations Underway!

We have finally started to make progress on our house renovations/additions. After waiting almost a month after the holes were drilled for the foundation posts, our builder arrived with a crew on Wednesday. I had ordered the materials the week before, so there were no delays getting started. I had also removed most of the siding where the new framing was to go, so that helped, too. Here's a shot of the lumber in the driveway before things got going.

This is where the new downstairs bedroom and "recreation room" will be added. Access will be through an opening where the window is now.

Here's the same area with the floor and walls framed.

On this side of the house, we are adding a large entry and new larger bathroom. We will also gain a "bonus room" on the second floor...where I may revive my passion for model railroading! Or it could be Katie's new studio! Only time will tell....

Here' the way things looked on Friday afternoon...considering Thursday was a holiday, we made great progress for only two days' work. The weather looks good for Monday, so we may start framing the roofs then.